Weird, But Effective Trick to Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight
The way to lose weight is to change your habits. Those things that make everyday that - until now - which came to overweight status may in (assumed, because otherwise would not be reading this article).
Slimming products must take these four habits, and do them every day, seven days a week:
1. Cook all foods yourself, in your own kitchen, the night before so all the next day. Then keep food with you always, even if you have to go to a party or other event where food is served. As dramatic as it sounds, it is absolutely necessary because you have to control the calories, and the food is not cooked calories food with strangers.
2. Do not eat any food that has not planned, calculated calories, and cooked yourself. In other words, no "cheating". Cook all foods and keep with you will become as easy to do, and eliminate the need for willpower.
3. Exercise. You've heard this before and boring diet is a suggestion, but you've heard it so often, because if you lose weight in your life exercise is absolutely necessary. Running is the most efficient, cheaper, faster and easier to incorporate into your life, regardless of the claims of any exercise program infomercial sale or exercise gadgets.
4. Meditate. View your daily slim body. Create an objective image of yourself. This can be in the form of an old photo of a slim, or literally, the head stuck in the body of a thin person. After identifying the clothes that are too small to want to fit -. His "meta clothes clothing Visualize your goal in your goal of his head with the perfect body image every day.
Do these four simple everyday tasks and record your performance on calendars. Every day, seven days a week, doing the four tasks or above rules then do a \ / | o - mark for each of the four completed tasks. The tasks are simple and will not take long. These tasks are very, very doable by anyone.
If you are overweight, you are carrying around extra body fat is a result of their past conduct. The use of calendars to record their behavior in the opposite direction has many advantages psychologically motivating. You can see the effort (or lack of effort) you are putting towards your goal to lose weight. You can also use the visual image of your calendar achievements recorded as a motivator for not cheating. The calendar shows their daily accomplishments weight loss compared to fat in your body that your weight gain has "registered", "achievements". By using calendars that you provide yourself with a visual record that grows as the size of his body grew as he gained weight. This provides balance in your subconscious and change the concept of the diet of an act that is "removing" an act that is building new habits in your life - a form of healthy, lean and you. Marking these four tasks in a calendar diet makes constructive - not destructive. Without using a constructive tool such as calendar, we tend to think of the diet in negative terms, such as deprivation, denial, struggle and effort. Without the constructive mental picture of what you have achieved it is more difficult to stay motivated to lose weight. The calendar method is so effective that you may find the principle to other goals in life.
Today, right now, it's her first day.
Note that the date is today. The day you are reading this - today - should be a day that has no other meaning in his life. It should not be your birthday and should not be a holiday. It is above all must not January 1 of any year, unless you are reading these words on January 1, which is unlikely. Why? Due to start a diet of a special day in the future gives you an excuse to procrastinate - to postpone the start. It will also make it more difficult to stay on the diet program because we tend to allow ourselves to fail goals began the day of importance. To start the day should be a day like today randomly. And because you've read these words should start immediately and therefore can not "pass" yourself with food before you start your diet. You started your diet now. If "pork" even for one day you can expect your weight loss to take an average of two more than if started immediately weeks.
Get some heavy black pen or marker and note the date on the calendar today. Around the day and write "First Day" in the square today. Then set your calendar on the wall in a place you see often - that is, a place to walk regularity. This is extremely important, because the calendar is going to be much in their thoughts in the coming days and weeks.
The calendar is the basis of his decision to change his life and therefore it is very important to see the calendar pages and achievements of the previous four rules is "woven" into their daily activities - every day. The calendar continuously communicates not only what you have accomplished, but what we will accomplish, how far it will go and how fast it is coming. Their past successes are motivated to do even better in the future, and its determination to do better in the future will lead to more successes. Therefore, make so remarkable, conspicuous and prominent calendar at home as possible.
Unless you continuously measures the calories you eat by cooking your own food and the calories you burn through exercise will keep fighting and yo-yo dieting. Unless you follow a plan as the calendar method described here and do it without deception or one day he will not become thin and no one knows why. Cheating and not follow the four rules let even one day to lose weight by having to start over. Calendars are absolutely essential for the development of diet motivation.
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