5 Mistakes That Keep You Fat
Throughout life we all seem to pick up some bad habits here and there. The problem is that if we do not recognize that they will trip us up, especially when it comes to losing weight. If you want to burn fat and not win, then we have to identify the behaviors that we are stopping weight loss.
Unless you have very good will not try to kick these behaviors at once. Try putting one or two and once you have control of them, then move on to others.
There is a lot of research and studies showing that we only have so much willpower. So trying to break several bad habits at once can be overwhelming. However, if you follow a slow elimination approach, you will increase your chances of your body burn fat and keep it for life.
Eating TV
Eating in front of the television has become more prevalent these days. Once upon a time only they ate meals in the kitchen table or dinner. You're ingesting calories while burning any.
Studies have shown that people who eat in front of television consume up to 300 calories more than those who do not.
If you want to watch TV, have a rule in place, as you have to exercise before watching TV or even make workout routines in front of the television. So try to break this habit and keep meal times away from the TV.
Skipping meals
Studies have shown that eating can not interfere with the body's ability to control appetite. It has been shown that also mess with your willpower, and this is not good when you are trying to lose weight. Skipping meals or healthy snacks affects many areas of your body, your metabolism to slow down brain function. Your brain runs on glucose. And self-control comes from your brain, if a meal or a healthy snack is missed, the brain may have limited willpower to say no when the temptation to treat unhealthy appears, or when your hunger pangs are driving me crazy .
This is why skipping meals is not a good idea. Your brain needs fuel to help keep her strong will and stay on track with your healthy diet.
So be sure to spread your meals evenly throughout the day so there is enough healthy food to maintain good and on track of their weight loss goals for your body to function.
Pace your eating
If you look at most people eat these days, the bolt down with barely taking time to chew your food. This is the perfect setup for overeating.
When people eat quickly, they can pack a lot more food in the stomach before it begins sending signals that it is full and stop eating. This is a big problem as it has so far consumed more calories than your body really needs. If your body does not burn those calories then they will be stored as fat.
Studies have shown that those who eat slowly have higher levels of fullness causing hormones that tell the brain to stop eating when you are full, than those who eat fast.
If you're in a hurry then try to slow down before you start eating. Take your time and enjoy your food, and eat more slowly. Savor. This will allow your body the time it needs to prevent overeating and you can send your brain the signal to stop eating when you're full.
Be conscious while eating at each meal will result in less weight gain over time.
Weekend Bingeing
Weekends are very good at sabotaging your weight loss efforts. This is where you need the willpower to stay strong. A weekend of binge burgers, fries and the like has been shown to trick the brain that overeating on Monday and Tuesday. So where do you think your control and maintain your healthy diet on weekdays, studies have shown that there may be happening.
You do not have to go cold turkey on weekends. I always say that their reward for a healthy week should be a day of tricks, but definitely not a weekend. That's because their good efforts toward their weight loss goals the previous week will be lost. And when I say a cheat day, I do not mean an entire 24 hour period. I'm talking about a cycle trail. For example, from when you wake up on Sunday morning until you go to bed Sunday night. That's a wake cycle.
Also when you are on your cheat day, do not go crazy. If you're going to have some pizza that's fine, but do not need to eat a large pizza all or any cheesecake. Enjoy your cheat day, but do not binge on your cheat day.
If weight loss is your goal, then minimizing alcohol is a must. Note that I said to minimize. If you have a glass of wine a few nights a week, that will not sabotage your weight loss goals. However has great nights at the weekend certainly sabotage the process of burning fat. Try this to see how many calories you drink during the week or when you are out. Enter the amount of beer, wine or spirits, including any refreshments are mixing with. Then calculate the calories. This process strikes most people.
Someone who has only two beers at night may be the addition of more than 2,000 calories to your intake of calories per week. That's like adding one days worth extra calories to your weekly intake and how you are going to burn that off? That could be an extra 3 trips to the gym for some people. So it is not the fastest way to lose weight. Moreover, when people are drinking alcohol often make poor food choices. These two seem to go hand in hand. This is certainly not a good weight loss plan.
If you have good will, then why not try to stop drinking for a week or two? You will be surprised how good it feels. I'm sure you too will notice weight loss if you have also maintained a healthy diet. So, as I said, at least try to minimize your alcohol intake to not sabotage your weight loss efforts.
Take a step by step to eliminate these habits of daily life approach. It will definitely help improve the process of burning fat from your body and help you achieve your weight loss goals faster.
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