The Basics of Body Fat
Losing weight is not an easy way to jump start. With all the fad diets and new training programs that are in gyms and even you can do at home can make it very stressful to start the process of losing weight. Basic lifestyle changes can help you lose a few pounds, but if you're looking at more than 10 to 15 pounds there are many other things you should commit to succeed in your weight loss journey.
How do we become "America fat?"
We have been called a "fat American" because the high rates of obesity in the United States. Statistics show that over 65% of all Americans living in the United States are considered obese or overweight. That's more than half the adult population! With these high statistics it is not surprising that we are called "American fat" and that number continues to grow as obese teenagers move into adulthood. If you are overweight or considered obese and want to be seen to you and not as statistics, the sooner you start to work on yourself and change your lifestyle best.
Apart from physical appearance, another factor is the number method used to determine whether a person is overweight or obese. This is the body mass index or BMI. You may have seen these letters hanging on your doctor from time to time. Table BMI is calculated using height and weight of a person to determine if they are at a healthy weight, overweight or underweight. Adults who fall into the category of "overweight" has a BMI between 25 and 29.9; Adults with a BMI of 30 or more are considered "obese."
Whatever your situation, whether health related or simply because you want to lose weight, it is important that you are aware of what body fat is actually to know how to get rid of it and keep it from coming back.
What happens to my body when weight gain?
When a person has gained weight, they may be asking questions such as "what are the fat cells are", "what is happening to my body," or even "how fat cells work?" Usually they are questions that only the doctor can respond although there is plenty of information on the Internet website of confidence. Trust your doctor primarily as he or she has the most accurate information.
The fat can be found in many different places throughout your body. Fat is found mainly in the skin as well as on top of each kidney. There are also some of the fat stored in the liver and small amounts in the muscles of your body. Gender plays a very important role in where fat is stored in the body.
1. Adult women tend to carry more fat around their hips, waist, breasts and buttocks creating a "pear" body shape.
2. Adult men tend to have more fat around your abdomen, chest and buttocks that make an SUV, "apple" body shape.
Some facts about fat cells:
• The sex hormones testosterone and estrogen play a role in where fat stored in the body.
• During the last trimester of pregnancy, fat cells are formed in the fetus and then later, when puberty starts and our sex hormones are more present
• During puberty, the difference in where fat is stored in men and women start to put on.
• As your body begins to store more fat, the number of fat cells will remain the same and no form after the onset of puberty. Instead, fat cells become larger.
The basics of body fat
There are two types of fat tissue in the body: white fat and brown fat. White fat is very important for thermal insulation, energy metabolism, and mechanical damping. Brown fat is among the shoulders in newborns and is extremely in making heat. Because adults have brown fat, white fat will be the focus of this section.
Fat cells comprise fatty tissue, which is a single cell type. Fat cells are essentially small plastic bags holding a small drop of grease. White fat cells are larger with 85% consisting of a large drop of fat. This makes the most of the volume of a cell of white fat. The other 15% is cytoplasm.
When you eat filled triglyceride fatty foods, it passes through the stomach and intestines. When these nutrients enter the intestine, the following process occurs:
1. Large fat droplets are mixed with bile from the gallbladder. This mixture then break these big fat falls into many smaller droplets of fat which will increase the surface of the fat.
2. The enzymes are secreted by the pancreas which attack the surface of these smaller fat droplets and breaks down into the two parts are made, fatty acids and glycerol.
3. Each of these parts is then absorbed in the gut lining.
4. intestinal cells are assembled in packs fat molecules with protein chylomicrons. This coating allows fat protein dissolves easily in water.
5. The proteins are released into the lymphatic system. They are not deposited directly into the bloodstream, since they can not pass through the capillary walls due to their size.
6. The lymphatic system will merge with the veins where these large proteins can pass into the bloodstream.
The interesting thing about this process is the fact that these molecules are broken down fats into fatty acids and glycerol only to be reconstructed. Why is this phenomenon? In short, these fat molecules are too large to pass through cell membranes. In order to pass through these cell walls they must be decomposed. How are you fats are transported in the bloodstream, it takes these few, large fat cells because they do not attract many additional water molecules as smaller fat cells do.
How our body stores fat
By eating a meal or a chocolate bar, there is a presence of fatty acids, amino acids or glucose in the intestines. This will stimulate the pancreas to release insulin. Insulin itself acts on cells in tissue muscle, liver and fat. It is the "boss", as he tells these cells to do the following three things:
• Absorb amino acids, glucose and fatty acids.
• Stops breakdown of amino acids, fatty acids and glucose; glycogen changes in glucose; converts fats into glycerol and fatty acids; and changing the protein into amino acids.
• construction starts glycogen from glucose; fats and fatty acids of glycerol; and proteins from amino acids.
The level of lipase activity depends on the amount of insulin in the body. If insulin is low, then the lipases are inactive; if it's high, then the lipases are highly active. The fatty acids are absorbed from the blood into muscle cells, fat cells and liver cells. These cells are stimulated by insulin for fatty acids in the fat molecules that are stored as fat droplets.
It is possible that these fat cells to take up glucose and amino acids that have been absorbed into the bloodstream after eating and become fat molecules. It is more efficient for the body to store fat in a fat cell instead of converting carbohydrates or protein into fat. For example, if you have about 11 grams, or about 100 calories of fat floating in the bloodstream, fat cells can store these calories using about 2-3 calories of energy. However, if you have those extra 100 calories or about 25 grams of extra glucose into the bloodstream, it will take about 23 calories of energy to change this glucose into fat and then storing fat cells. Fat cells grabs fat and store it rather than carbohydrates because it is much easier to store within the body.
How our body breaks down fat
When you do not eat your body can not absorb nutrients. If the body does not absorb food then a very small amount of insulin present in the blood. If your body is using energy regularly and you are not eating this energy source comes from the internal storage of body fat, carbohydrate and protein. Because of this, several different organs in the body secrete hormones.
1. pancreas secrete glucagon.
2. The pituitary gland secretes growth hormone and ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone).
3. The adrenal gland releases adrenaline.
4. The thyroid gland secretes thyroid hormone.
These hormones begin to bind tissue cells muscle, liver and fat and has the opposite effect in our bodies and the decomposition of the fat insulin. When you are not eating or exercising regularly, your body will resort to any interior energy storage in order to provide your body with enough energy to handle daily activities. Main source of energy in the body is glucose and some of the cells in your body can extract energy from glucose, like brain cells.
The process of breaking down fat in Healthy Energy
There are several steps that the body needs to make sure your body is able to maintain energy.
1. First line of defense in maintaining energy is to break carbohydrates (glycogen) into simple glucose molecules. This process is called glycogenolysis.
2. Then the body breaks down fats into fatty acids and glycerol. This process is called lipolysis.
3. The fatty acids are then brown down for energy or can be used to make glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis. During this process, the amino acids used to make glucose.
In fat cells, lipases other work in the breakdown of fats into glycerol and fatty acids. They are activated by several different names, such as epinephrine, glucagon and growth hormone hormones. The result is fatty acids and glycerol will be released in the body, traveling through the liver and bloodstream. Once these have reached the liver, fatty acids and glycerol can be broken down further or that the body can use to make glucose.
Lose weight and lose fat
One thing you must realize is that fat will not go away by itself. You are ultimately responsible lifestyle you do to maintain a healthy weight. Because your weight is determined ultimately by the speed at which stores energy from the food we consume and how fast that energy is used, it is important to know how the body works to store and break down fatty acids and cells fat to better understand how your body handles food intake. The following is a list of ways to help maintain a healthy weight and even lose some of the fat stored in your body:
• Eat a well-balanced diet. Consuming an adequate amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats.
• Do not overeat. To maintain a healthy weight, limiting calorie intake of about 1500-2000 calories per day.
• Include regular exercise regimen into your daily routine.
Another thing to understand is that there is no such thing as good fats and bad fats. There are fats that your body can heal and fats that can kill your body. Most people are unaware of this small but very important detail when it comes to the types of fat you can consume. Many people will choose to go for foods that are 100% fat free thought this fight his "big problem" when in fact these foods are loaded with sugar. Examples of bad fats are:
• Trans fats
• Saturated fats
Examples of good fats include:
• Monounsaturated fats
• Polyunsaturated fats
Understanding how fat is broken down and how your body uses fat is important when you start your weight loss journey. Exercise and diet are not enough to know how your body works and functions for weight loss is so important for you to know what to eat and what to avoid.
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