Wednesday, 10 June 2015

How to Lose Weight and Keep It That Way

How to Lose Weight and Keep It That Way

People who want to lose weight in a short space of time to go to extreme measures just to shed their extra pounds. Some go on a crash diet, skip meals or starve, or try any diet available from food consumption of a particular food group, by taking supplements rather than food.

Other exercise excessively, attending cardio or aerobics classes one after another. Sometimes they are running non-stop on a treadmill or working on a stepper.

Notably, these people lost a lot of pounds and are much thinner, but inevitably resume its original weight and sometimes become even heavier.

So what went wrong?

Perhaps, when people lose a lot of weight, they become complacent; They feel entitled to eat as they have already lost their extra pounds. Anyway, they say, you will only burn calories through their work-outs. With this kind of attitude, they would no doubt with the same old habits back to their old overweight themselves. Then they start again with a vicious cycle of dieting and exercise.

If the combination of diet and exercise do not keep the weight off, what then could? Well, it starts with the mind. You have to condition to always think about the best choices for our bodies. You must be programmed to choose the best options for a healthy lifestyle.

We must make significant changes in our behavior and habits. This means that you must:

1. Eat the right foods. Eat foods that are high in nutritional value but low in calories and foods that are rich in fiber, as they help in digestion.

2. Drink plenty of water. Hydrate; Some advocate the use of 8-to-10 glasses of water a day to rid your body of toxins.

3. Get enough sleep. We need at least eight hours of sleep to get enough rest. Helps the body repair process.

4. Exercise regularly. Not any physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day to increase metabolism and burn excess fat.

5. Have a positive attitude. Believe in your ability to achieve your goal of losing weight and keep it off.

6. Be patient. The best way to lose weight is lost slowly, but surely.

We can maintain our ideal weight to be consistent in our choices and live a healthy life. It's just a matter of attitude.

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